
An Impossible Love -The poet Nizar Qabbani

An Impossible Love

An Impossible Love

I love you very much
and I know that the road to the impossible is long

I know you are the princess of women
and I have no alternative
I know that nostalgia time has ended
and sweet talk has died

To the princess of women, what do we say
I love you very much
and I know that I live in exile
and you are in exile
and between us
snow and fire

I know that reaching your eyes is an illusion
I know that reaching you is a suicide
but I am pleased
to tear myself to pieces for you, O dear
and If I had to choose
I would have repeated your love for the second time

O you who spin your shirt from leaves of trees
O you whom I protected from the drops of rain
I love you very much
I know that I travel in the sea of your eyes

with no certainty
I leave my mind behind me and run
I run following my madness

O woman, who holds my heart in her hands
for the sake of God, I ask you don’t leave
don’t leave me
What would I be if you didn’t exist
I love you very much
and very much indeed
and I refuse, because of the fire of your love, to resign
Is it possible for a mad lover to resign….

I don’t care
if I came out of love alive
and I don’t care
if I came out of it dead