Whispers of love and longing for the lover

Celebrate your sweetheart by telling them just how much they mean to you! To help get the words flowing, read Perfect Romantic Whispers of love and longing for the One You Love.

You are the only person in the world I can imagine building a life with. From the bumps in the road to the wonderful times, with our fair share of both heartbreak and laughter, I know that there is no one I would rather spend my future with than you.
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Get down from your bed and walk along with the window You will see the sunlight in the air You will remember me with that breeze and care I have sent you a kiss this morning To make your life more wonderful every day Have a happy morning along this day My boy, I wish you all the happiness I wish you lots of things you want I wish you so many smiles this day May you have a very bright day Wishing you a lovely morning Good morning to you! My sweetie loves you so much.

I promise to forever care for you, I give you my word that I will move mountains for you if need be, I will keep you out of harm’s way, and I will be anything you need at any given time. No matter what you ask of me, I will do it, because you are the love of my life. You are my everything. Forever.
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Sleep Tight As the day will turn into night, Keep your worries on the side, Think about a better tomorrow, Where there will be happiness and no sorrow, Close your eyes and dream, You will get what you desire in a seam, Good night dear.

Get up my love Get up the sun has come The new day has just begun to Get up you sleepy head Have a sip of tea, Coz you have lots to see For this day, I love you! Good morning for today! Kevin my babes morning Love you so much.
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I swear when I look deep into your eyes I get lost. I think fate has decided that we only have eyes for each other. I feel as if your eyes were created by the gods only for me, I think they are meant to cast a sweet spell over only me.
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Sleep tight my love, Coz I am going to come in your dreams, Sleep well my love, I will come and confess, So, forgo your stress, I love you to the core, And this thought I want to adore, Lovely night to you my love.
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What we have together is unique. It is a special bond that is strong and unbreakable. We can make it through anything we encounter and we only grow stronger from the trials we face together. Together, we are strong. Being with you has made me a better person and I can’t believe that I found you.

Good morning my dear, Wish you a bright day ahead, filled with love and happiness, Start it with a positive thought, all the things will be sought, stay in a good frame of mind, its time to put everything behind, Good morning I love you so much.
Everyone goes through tough times. Yes, even me. But, I remind myself it’s okay to have a bad day once in a while because at the end of it I get to come home to you. That’s what keeps me going.
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No one can make me smile the way you do, Without you, I feel so low, so sad, so blue. Your eyes take me to a world unknown, I am blinded in your love so much that I get accident-prone. I will love you forever, even if my world is torn apart, because darling, you are the first one to touch my heart. Today on your birthday, I just cannot thank God enough, He gave you to me like a heavenly present from above. Happy Birthday to you whom I love.
I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you, but I am eternally grateful for your love, support, and affection. Thank you for being you, and for having me by your side.

You are more beautiful than a summer sunset on the ocean horizon. You are more breathtaking than the lush landscape on a mountain, You shine brighter than the stars in the country sky, You are more alluring than any song that was ever sung. I had not seen what the real meaning of beauty was until I found you.
You have inspired me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be and I hope that I can somehow repay you for everything that you have done for me. Without you, I would be a completely different person. You have taught me so much about life and because of you, I truly know what love is.